Tour Settings

You can manage settings for your tour using the Management Console. 

To launch the console, login at


  • Click on the tour you would like to manage. You will get a screen like the one below which displays all of the photos in your tour.


If you did not turn on Image enhancement when you created your tour, you can turn it on/off using this setting:


Image Enhancement will automatically improve the resolution, noise, and chromatic aberration of the virtual tour via our unique algorithm.

You will seeScreen_Shot_2020-11-06_at_10.50.42_PM.pngon the bottom corner of the image to indicate the image has been enhanced.

To view the settings for your tour, click on Screen_Shot_2020-11-06_at_11.02.05_PM.png in the upper right of your screen. The following options are available:


Edit Tour Address

Select this option to edit your tour address and select Save when done. 

Auto cropping

With a Standard subscription plan you can automatically create a 2D image from your 360° images. You can select one or more images to crop into a 2D image.  Multiple samples will be automatically generated and you can choose which to download as a zip file.

Copy Link

There are 3 types of links you can share:

  • Copy Link - this will provide a link with all branding (business card, google map, tripod cover) and the property description
  • Copy Unbranded Link - this will provide a link with no branding (business card, google map, tripod cover) and the property description
  • Copy Compact Link - this will provide a link with nothing but the tour images. No business card, no google map and no property description. The tripod cover will be included.

Copy Embed Code

Clicking Copy Embed Code will allow you to copy the Embed Code for embedding in HTML code on your website and the Embed URL that can be used in the HTML code for embedding on your website.

Share on Facebook

When you use the 'Share on Facebook' option, you will be presented a pop-up box that will display an area for you to type in your comments.  The post on Facebook option will include the cover photo of your tour as well as the address. Your clients can link on the cover photo to see the RICOH360 tour.

Move a Tour

This option will provide the capability of moving a tour from one team in your account to another team.


Use this option if you want to Deactivate an active tour, or activate one that has been previously deactivated.


Use this option to delete your tour selected tour



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