[10.6.2022] The URL (domain) used for RICOH360 TOURS will change on Monday, October 17, 2022.

Important: This change will not impact the current URL's you are using today.


In an effort to streamline our business and merge into one 360 brand, RICOH360 Tours will change from the current ricohtours.com URL (domain) to ricoh360.com URL (domain) as follows.

Specific domain change details

app.ricohtours.com -> app.ricoh360.com
auth.ricohtours.com -> auth.ricoh360.com
view.ricohtours.com -> view.ricoh360.com
embed.ricohtours.com -> embed.ricoh360.com
mls.ricohtours.com -> mls.ricoh360.com
store2.ricohtours.com -> store.ricoh360.com
help.ricohtours.com -> help.ricoh360.com

Please be assured that even if you access the old URL (domain) after the change date, you will be automatically redirected to the new URL (domain) and can use the service as before.
If you have bookmarked the login page, please re-register it under the new URL (domain).

Date of change: Monday, October 17, 2022

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at
https://help.ricohtours.com/hc/ or help@ricoh360.com


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