
RICOH360 Tours is a subscription based service with an annual or monthly agreement.

You can check your subscription information by logging in to the Management Console on your computer and clicking Screen_Shot_2020-11-09_at_1.29.55_AM.png(Settings). You can change it by selecting Change Plan under the subscription setting.


How to sign up for a new subscription

  • There are three types of pricing plans available. For details, please refer to the pricing plan table.
    • Free is a 14-day free trial subscription for those who want to try out the functions of RICOH360 Tours.
    • Pro and Business are paid subscription plans.
      There is a difference in the number of AI staging (beta version) images available, the monthly subscription fee.
      In addition, the Business plan offers the automatic 2D image cropping feature.
    • Both plans can add additional members, or additional Teams. For more information on Teams, please review Team Overview article.
  • The subscription agreement is made by the team owner. If you want to see who the team owner is, please click mceclip0.png(Member).

  • The payment method is by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express).

Notes on payment of usage fees

  • The subscription fee is calculated based on the day the subscription is created. After you sign up, you will be charged for the entire subscription period, whether it is an annual or monthly subscription.
  • Paid subscriptions will be automatically renewed. You can check the renewal date in "Subscription Information" of the Management Console. The subscription fee will be charged on the renewal date.
    • Annual subscriptions will be renewed annually
      (e.g., if you started using a paid plan on July 20, 2021, the renewal date will be July 20, 2022)
    • Monthly contract: Every month
      (e.g. If you start using a paid plan on July 20, 2021, the renewal date will be August 20, 2021).

Changing Plans

  • You can change your plan or contract period (from monthly to annual or annual to monthly) at any time. However, if your subscription was created prior to July 1, 2020, please contact support as you are on a different pricing plan that you might not want to change.

  • Immediately after the change of your plan is confirmed, the unused portion of your existing plan will be prorated and saved as a credit balance. If the credit balance is not enough to pay your changed plan, your credit card will be used to pay for the difference.

  • If you change your pricing plan, the subscription renewal date will be reset. For annual subscriptions, it will be one year after the day of plan change, and for monthly subscriptions, it will be one month after.

    About credit balance

    • Once the fee is paid, it will not be refunded.
    • However, if you change your plan or delete a user in the middle of the subscription period, the charges for the unused period of service generated will be saved as your team's "credit balance". The credit balance will be calculated on a pro-rated basis based on the number of days corresponding to the unused service period. The saved credit balance for a team will be used in priority for payment of the subscription fee when the team continues or resumes using the paid plan.

    • The credit balance cannot be used by another team.
    • Please note that credit balances for a team will be lost when that team is deleted.
    • Credit balances will not be exchanged for money or refunded

About the fee for additional members

  • Additional members will be charged for each additional member according to the plan.

  • If you add more than one member to a Free team and then change to a paid plan, you will be charged the basic fee for each Pro or Business plan, plus a fee based on the number of additional members, excluding the team owner.

  • If you add members to your Pro or Business team in the middle of the contract period, you will be charged

    • For the first year or first month, the fee will be prorated until the subscription renewal date and charged immediately. For example, if your Team subscription has been in place for 4 months, when you add another member the charge for the new member will be for 8 months.

    • The fee for the following year or month will be charged together with the basic subscription fee on the renewal date.

  • If a member is deleted, the unused portion of the subscription will be prorated until the renewal date and saved as the team's credit balance.

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