Download Tour Photos

This feature is available to all customers, regardless of the plan to which they are subscribed.


Photos available for download include

  • 360° panoramic photos added to the tour
    *If the Photo has been processed with blurring, the photo with the blurring process will be downloaded.
  • Floor plan
  • Photos added to annotations

However, the following photos cannot be downloaded. Please note that the following photos cannot be downloaded.

  • Photos to which AI Image Enhancement has been applied
  • Photos generated by AI staging


The procedure for downloading photos is as follows

  1. Log in at
  2. Select icon_tour.pngTours from the main menu
  3. Select the tour you wish to download
  4. Click hc_tours_icon_Webapp_menu3dots.pngMenu, and then click Download Tour photos

  5. A "Download Tour Photos" dialog box will open. Confirm the contents and click OK
  6. A URL for downloading the photos will be sent to the e-mail address registered in your account.
    Click on the URL to download the .zip file containing the tour photos.


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