Creating Annotations

You can showcase aspects of your tour with the use of Annotations.  You can add text or images to highlight features such as high end appliances, or a recent remodel.

Creating a text annotation


  1. Login to the RICOH360 Tours management console

  2. Select the tour where you would like to add tour paths
  3. Clickimage1.png in the upper right corner of the screen
  4. Click the photo you would like to add Annotations to
  5. Click Screen_Shot_2021-03-21_at_1.50.06_AM.png
  6. Click anywhere in the image to add an Annotation
  7. Select Text if not already selected
  8. Type in the title for your annotation
  9. Type in a description for your annotation (required field)
  10. Click Save

Creating an image annotation


  1. Login to the RICOH360 Tours management console

  2. Select the tour where you would like to add tour paths
  3. Clickimage1.png in the upper right corner of the screen
  4. Click the photo you would like to add Annotations to
  5. Click Screen_Shot_2021-03-21_at_1.50.06_AM.png
  6. Click anywhere in the image to add an Annotation
  7. Select Image if not already selected
  8. Drag a photo or click Screen_Shot_2021-03-21_at_2.04.52_AM.png
  9. Type in the title for your annotation
  10. Type in a description for your annotation (required field)
  11. Click Save

Deleting an image annotation

Drag the annotation to the trash can icon 


Viewing your tour with Annotations

Below are images of what Annotations look like when your client views them

Text Annotation:


Image Annotation:




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