Lost or forgotten password

Follow these steps to change the password on your account

Management Console

  1. Go to app.ricoh360.com in your browser and select Login
  2. Select Forgot Password?
  3. Type in your email address
  4. Select Send Verification Code
  5. A verification code will be sent to your email, use this on the next step
  6. Enter the Verification Code
  7. Type in your New Password
  8. Confirm Password
  9. Select Reset Password
  10. You can now login to your account using your new password


  1. Launch the RICOH360 Tours app
  2. Select Forgot Password
  3. Type in your email address
  4. Select Reset Password
  5. A password will be mailed to you
  6. Enter the Verification Code
  7. Type in your New Password
  8. Confirm Password
  9. Select Reset Password
  10. You can now login to your account using your new password


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