Create a Tour

To create a tour using the Management Console:

  1. Log into your account at
  2. If you are not at your main menu, select Screen_Shot_2020-11-06_at_11.09.35_PM.png (Home)
  3. Select Screen_Shot_2020-11-06_at_11.09.54_PM.png (Create Tour) from the menu on the top
  4. Type in the name of your tour
  5. Complete the address fields - Address Line 1 is required and will be the name of your tour
  6. Select if you want Image Enhancement performed on your tour images*
  7. Select Save

To upload photos, please review this article

*Image Enhancement uses proprietary algorithms to automatically improve the resolution, noise, chromatic aberrations, and image skew of images uploaded to the tour.

You will seeScreen_Shot_2020-11-06_at_10.50.42_PM.pngon the bottom corner of the image to indicate the image has been enhanced.

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